Evolution of Golf Training
Since 2001, Dude’s Golf has been pioneering and patenting innovative golf trainers to enhance your swing and mechanics. Designed for real-time feedback, our trainers help you correct mistakes instantly. Easy to use and setup-free, they’re perfect for effortless indoor practice.

The Weighted Laser
Dude's Stick is a compact, weighted laser trainer that replicates the feel of a real club.

The CLub Clip
Dude's Clip is a laser trainer that effortlessly attaches to any club, from wedge to driver.
See for Yourself
Check out our Stick and Clip to see how effortlessly you can refine your swing mechanics.
...What this tool showed me that other tools have not shown is that my takeaway plane is good but my lead wrist is too supinated and my arms are pulling into my body. I use this tool to promote the feeling of keeping my arms further out and pronating my wrist. Doing this puts my entire club and club head on plane. Contact was more solid after drilling with the tool for 5 minutes and then hitting balls. I prefer using the grip tool to putting the clip tool on a club. It seemed easier to use with the grip tool. Overall, one of the best training aids I have used.
I struggle with plane, so this was an EXCELLENT aid for me. It really gave me a sense of what my swing plane was doing during my swing. The clip on unit is handy, because having the club head can change how I moved the club, that wasn't always shown with the grip unit. Excellent tool, very handy, and gives lots of good information. Also- the tube it cones in is great- it's small, holds everything secure, and is easy to keep in my bag. Thank you
I usually don't fare well with trainers, but this one is pretty good, due in large part to its simplicity. If you need to fine-tune your swing a bit, you'll find this quite helpful. I've been having a good time with it. Two thumbs up!